Contaminated Nutrient Agar Media. The media is contaminated because the media was prepared in Open Place [ normal lab and with so many people was in near of the media. when it was preparing ] not in Laminar flow air Cabinet. Picture is taken by Shabab Mehebub from " Genetic engineering and Biotechnology Lab, East West University " Different Ba c t eria l colony are seen in this Media. Different types of Bacteria are grown in this Media. Some fungi are also grown in this media. In this picture [ From left side ] you can see this. SO, THINK HOW MUCH MICROORGANISMS ARE IN CONTACT WITH US. THIS ARE NOTHING. YOU KNOW?? WE, HUMAN ARE CARRYING 3-6 pounds of BACTERIA. :D :) MICROORGANISMS ARE GOOD FRIEND OF US......
Editing of Human Embryo What is CRISPR? Clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats (abbreviated as CRISPR , pronounced crisper are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetitions of base sequences. Each repetition is followed by short segments of " spacer DNA " from previous exposures to a bacterial virus or plasmid . How t o U se? By Editing Genome CRISPRs have been used to cut five to 62 genes at once: pig cells have been engineered to inactivate all 62 Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus in the pig genome, which eliminated infection from the pig to human cells in culture. CRISPR's low cost compared to alternatives is widely seen as revolutionary. Selective engineered redirection of the CRISPR/Cas system was first demonstrated in 2012 in: · ...